Word Processing (Microsoft Word)
Word processing is a system that processes text, performing basic functions such as paragraphing, aligning, formatting and re-arrangement of a text.
v Word Wrap.
The Automatic adjustment of a line of text to fit in to Pre-specified margins is called word wrapping. When the Cursor meets the end margin the words flew on to new line and continuous,
v Scrolling.
Using the video as a text window and rolling of text up/down or sideways on a screen for viewing long or wider document is called scrolling.
v Soft copy.
A document on the screen is called a Soft copy.
v Hard copy.
Hard copy is a printed document.
v Revising.
The process of editing and if necessary changing the content and/or format of a document using word processing function (Insert, Delete, Move and copy)
v Character.
Any alphanumeric or Graphic symbol
v Word.
Any sequences of a fixed number of characters in a document.
v Line.
A row of characters written, printed or displayed on a VDU
v Sentence.
A piece of writing between two full stops or equivalent pauses.
v Page.
Text in blocks to suit the designed paper length or that, which is written, printed etc. on a page or which fills a VDU screen
v Text.
Data in textual form, especially as stored, processed for displayed in a word processor or text editor.
v Document.
Text-based output created by a word processing program.